Making Roads Safer For Over 40 Years
For more than 30 years Safety Base frangible breakaways have been used by municipalities around the world to keep commuters safe. The simple-to-use and highly effective system was invented by a University Professor as a part of a University of Manitoba PhD research project.
Safety Base Features:
Only breakaway system which protects foundation anchor bolts
Ease of installation and maintenance
Levelling nut to easily adjust pole or post base for height and plumbness
Meets or exceeds AASHTO standards and requirements
How it works
When an errant vehicle collides with a luminaire pole, sign post, or traffic light pole, the proprietary Safety Base system allows the pole to break away from the base with minimal snag height and protection of the J-bolts at impact. The device is strong enough to withstand wind and static forces, but is designed to fracture from the impact of a moving vehicle without causing additional blunt-force harm to the occupants of the errant vehicle.
The couplers and brackets are easily removed and replaced with a new set. The undamaged pole or post is then lifted back into position and reinstalled.
Safety Base is the only frangible breakaway system which has been successfully tested for use with a 55 ft. pole at the Texas Transportation Institute.
Invented and manufactured with all road and weather conditions in mind and to reduce damage caused from vehicle-to-fixed object collisions, the award-winning Safety Base pole-to-base coupling system can be found on highways and city streets throughout the world.